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Vitamin Profile

All You Need To Know About Vitamin Presence In Our Body

The term vitamin is derived from the vitamine word. A vitamin is a set of molecules or organic molecules that is essential for the proper functioning of its metabolism. Essential nutrients obtained through the diet. Before 1935, food was the only source of vitamins but currently commercially producing tablets, vitamin supplements including multivitamins.

Classification Of Vitamins

In humans, 13 vitamins are present and classified as either water-soluble or fat-soluble. Vitamin A, D, E and K are fat-soluble and left nine are water-soluble. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed with the help of lipids. Vitamin A and Vitamin D can accumulate in the body, which can result in dangerous hypervitaminosis. It is a situation of abnormally high storage levels of vitamins, which can lead to toxic symptoms. Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water easily and quickly. In general, these are readily excreted from the body. Urinary is a substantial output predictor of vitamin consumption.

  • Vitamin A. It is a fat-soluble vitamin and the chemical names are Retinol, all-trans-retinol and Provitamin A. Its source of food can be fish, dairy product, orange, leafy vegetables, carrots, ripe yellow fruits, spinach, squash, pumpkin etc.

  • Vitamin B. It is classified into eight vitamins, and all are water-soluble vitamins which are below:

    1. Vitamin B1. The chemical name is Thiamine, and the sources are pork, brown rice, potatoes, liver, eggs, vegetables, wholemeal grains etc.

    2. Vitamin B2. Riboflavin is the biochemical name of Vitamin B2. Dairy products, bananas, green beans, and asparagus are sources of food.

    3. Vitamin B3. The chemical name is Niacin, Niacinamide and Nicotinamide riboside. Meat, fish, eggs, many vegetables, mushrooms, tree nuts are the Food sources.

    4. Vitamin B5. Pantothenic acid is the chemical name of vitamin B5. Meat, broccoli and avocados are the food source. It can be diarrhoea if humans take an overdose.

    5. Vitamin B6. Pyridoxine, Pyridoxamine and Pyridoxal are the chemical names of Vitamin b6. Meat, vegetables, tree nuts, bananas are the source of food. It can be nerve damage if humans take any higher than 100mg per day.

    6. Vitamin B7. Biotin is the chemical name, and the leafy green vegetables, raw egg yolk, liver and peanuts are the food source of vitamin b7.

    7. Vitamin B9. Folate or Folic acid is the chemical names of Vitamin b9. And the food sources are Leafy vegetables, pasta, bread, cereal, liver etc.

    8. Vitamin B12. It has various other chemical names like Cyanocobalamin, Hydroxocobalamin, Methylcobalamin, Adenosylcobalamin etc. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk are the food source.

  • Vitamin C. It is also known as Ascorbic acid. It is a water-soluble vitamin. Various fruits and vegetables are a source of vitamin c. It is necessary for repair, development and growth of all body tissues. Scurvy disease happens when there is a lack of vitamin C, and the symptoms are weakness, gum disease, skin problem etc.

  • Vitamin D. Cholecalciferol (D3) and Ergocalciferol(D2) are the chemical names of vitamin D. It is a fat-soluble vitamin. Rickets and osteomalacia are deficiency diseases. Lichen, eggs, liver, mushroom and many more are the sources of food. It can be Hypervitaminosis D if humans take an overdose.

  • Vitamin E. The chemical names of vitamins E are Tocopherols and Tocotrienols. It is also a fat-soluble vitamin. It’s found in Many fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and seed oils.

  • Vitamin K. Phylloquinone and Menaquinones are the chemical names of fat-soluble vitamins. It includes two natural vitamins: Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2. Vitamin K is one of the remedies for bleeding events induced by overdose.

Suggested Reading


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