What Is the Thyroid Function Test? Get In-Depth Knowledge Here! Thyroid function test is the analysis of the thyroid gland present in our body. This test measures the T3, T4 and TSH values current in our blood. These thyroids levels are responsible for our bone health, body energy and help in balancing the mood. When Do I Need A Thyroid Test? Your doctor will recommend you to go for a thyroid test. They identify some signs of weaker bones, indigestion problems and lower metabolic rate. If your thyroid gland does not produce necessary hormones like T3 and T4, it will result in health problems like hyperthyroidism. This includes the symptoms like rapid weight loss, low energy levels and irregular heartbeats. If you are also facing these symptoms, then you should get the thyroid function test done. What Are The Procedures Included To Get The Thyroid Test Done? To get the thyroid test done, you need to get through the blood test. This blood test will include tests for T3, T4 and TSH . The...